By Charlotte de Blois
As we negotiate recent changes to Mill Road it has become apparent that drivers subconsciously behave differently along different stretches of the road. Picture one shows how three car drivers chose to pavement-park opposite a build out.

While further down the road on a narrower stretch of the road, Picture Two, shows how a driver uses the build-out as protection for his parked car and helpfully stays on the road.

This allows pedestrians to use the narrow pavement unimpeded. Thank you grey car driver.
Welcome grey car driver?? Whats up with this world? They are parked on a double yellow line at a small junction. It is dangerous and illegal. They are just typical of the shopping drivers we get down Mill Road. They should use the Gwydir street car park and stop being lazy and inconsiderate!
There is now space for disabled car parking, shopper short-stay parking, delivery bays, marked out on the road. Cycle parking stands should also be moved off the pavement.
It is disappointing (and bizarre) that the Traders’ Association has failed to join the call by the cycling campaign for such new parking.
Without the traffic taking up all the road space, there is really no excuse now for parking on pavements. With marked bays, a clear message can be sent that pavement parking is unacceptable, but that those shopping can newly park legally, where there was often no parking available before.