Late Night Alcohol Licence

Note: the deadline for making your views known on this application has now passed.

The hearing will be held on Monday 15th June 2020 at 10:30 am, using Microsoft Teams.

There has been an application for a new late night drinks license from Brothers International Supermarket, 28 Mill Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 2AD.

If, like many Mill Roaders, you think this will be of detriment to our neighbourhood, you may wish to email your opposition by Monday 18th of May.

We understand that the Police and local Councillors have expressed opposition to this proposal but the voice of residents is particularly important when the matter is considered by the City licensing panel.

There is a longstanding acceptance by City Council, licensing committee and the police, of residents’ views that there are sufficient drink ‘off-licences’ in Mill Road and that the cumulative impact of more is likely to lead to additional public nuisance. Hence, Mill Road has been designated a ‘cumulative impact zone’.

Late night off-licences encourage those passing through our neighbourhood (usually from the town centre) to buy additional drink to consume on the street, to the detriment of the residential amenity of our neighbourhood, and to cause more late night disturbance and vandalism.

Furthermore, this application, if allowed, would set a precedent for more applications. You can read the details of the application here.

Please email If you use this link, the email’s subject line should auto-complete.

Otherwise, manually add “Brothers International Supermarket, 28 Mill Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 2AD Application WK/202082835”.

You must also include your name and address.

All representations will be published in full on the Cambridge City Council website unless you advise that you wish your personal details to be removed prior to publication. If you wish your personal details to be removed please state this in your or email.

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