Hooper Street chestnut trees – Result!

A planning application was submitted for the pruning of two horse-chestnut trees in Hooper Street – and the felling of a third.

The deadline for comments on this application was Monday 17 December 2018.

Jubilee House 3 Hooper Street Cambridge CB1 2NZ
T 1 & T2: Chestnut – Reduce height by 4/5m and shorten lateral branches by 2/3m to rebalance crowns. T3: Chestnut – Fell.

Jubilee House 3 Hooper Street Cambridge CB1 2NZ showing horse-chestnut trees (Google Maps)

Many local residents submitted objections on the Cambridge City Council planning portal. Many thanks to those who took the time and trouble to do so.

  • Comments Received:57
  • Objections: 57

Other trees in Hooper Street have already been lost; each of the remaining trees are therefore more precious, in an otherwise heavily built up area of the city. They are an essential green ‘lung’ for the area, in countering air pollution.

Result for a community that stands together…

Date: 8 January 2019

Reference: 18/584/TTPO
Application: T 1 & T2: Chestnut – Reduce height by 4/5m and shorten lateral branches by 2/3m to rebalance crowns.
T3: Chestnut – Fell.
Jubilee House 3 Hooper Street Cambridge CB1 2NZ  

Dear Sir/Madam

Decision on Tree Works Application 

Thank you for your letter about the above application.  Your views were taken into account in coming to a decision.  The application was Tree Refused Permission  by senior officers, under delegated powers.

Valid applications including plans, supporting documents, consultation comments and the decision notice are available to view online.  Please go to www.cambridge.gov.uk/planningpublicaccess to open the online planning register and enter 18/584/TTPO in the search field.

Yours faithfully

Joanna Davies

Interim Arboricultural Officer

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4 Comments (Don't forget to scroll down to subscribe to website updates.)
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14 May 2020 17:47

[…] Rec and the lovely photos.Today (Thursday 14th May 2020) I enjoyed seeing the blossom on the chestnut trees in Hooper Street, and was proud of all the local residents who opposed their felling and/or mutilation. And thanks […]

16 December 2018 22:06

As much effort as possible should be made to preserve tees all across Cambridge- the brutal and unnecessary practice of lopping trees (usual with some weak excuse) and overly-common felling (even without permission but with no penalty) of trees is threatening the environment
across the city- it is something council should do MUCH much more to monitor and prevent. The council teams tasked with protecting trees and the green environment do not do enough to protect trees across the city! They take years, decades to grow, only hours to chop down and once gone, our whole city suffers!

Janet Wright
Janet Wright
Reply to  Anna
16 January 2019 17:01

Well done, all those who wrote to the council in support of those beautiful trees. We need all the trees we still have, and we lose far too many.

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